#okami glaives
wicked-rambles · 3 days
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bisho-birb · 9 months
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Steadily drawing icons featuring the 3 main weapons from Okami~
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guiltyidealist · 2 years
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bomb ass Okami wallpapers from the concept art masterpost
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tigertaurus22 · 6 months
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Okami Tsukuyomi
Based on the video game Okami, with the God of the Moon in a more humanoid form
Just a concept I came up with years ago for
His Divine Instruments are Lunar Aurora (the reflector) and Dojikiri Yasutsuna (the sword)
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solrouen · 28 days
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Amaterasu with the Blade of Kusanagi for the 18th anniversary of the US release of Okami. Always loved the glaive weapons in this game.
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mosswild · 3 months
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Some stills of the Amaterasu and Waka bonus skins for Kunitsu-gami: Path of the Goddess. Please enjoy looking at all the details!
In-game, Thunder Edge even makes the same zapping noises as it does in Okami. In place of the original cloud in the middle of the glaive, you can see the currently equipped tsuba (sword guard). I really love how these designs were adapted to the game's own world.
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silverskye13 · 10 months
I am SO CURIOUS - what powers would Helsknight and Tanguish have in your comic 👁‍🗨
Really tempted to say Helsknight would have a summoned sword, which is a power I was going to give Scar before I decided to give them their Voice power instead. I figure it would function a bit like the glaives in Okami, doing a lot of spinning and lunging attacks choreographed by leaps and bites by the weilder. My second thought would be something to do with his bite, since so much of his character has to do with cutting words and biting back at people. Maybe it would be a bite that either burns or poisons, in which case I could have a lot of fun drawing him drooling in a tone of scenes XD
Tanguish I think is a solid candidate for the Ashwing abilities, which we haven't met in the comic plot yet, but is basically "if you can think it you can do it". Otherwise, I would give him Leg's power of Sight, which we also haven't seen in the plot yet, but allows the weilder to see the optimal way through a situation. The Sight makes a lot of things simple -- best path on a trip, best place to cross a river, best way to build a shelter -- but it makes social situations considerably harder. It's hard to tell when the Sight is being used, and using it too often to fix social problems makes people distrust you as an individual. How do they know you're not just saying that because you're looking for the best way to manipulate something?
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feliciadraws · 2 years
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Amaterasu wielding a rosary in battle, taken from my Okami manga project! It’s still going, and I’m still making progress on it 😅
I was trying to integrate how the secondary divine instruments work in the game into a manga format, so I thought of keeping Divine Retribution (Ammy’s primary reflector, which is visible for most of the time in the game) on her back while having the rosary materialise out of thin air before using it like a whip, similar to how it’s used in the game, before disappearing as she puts it away. For further battles I’m going to do a similar thing with the glaives too!
But anyway, I just think this one looks particularly cool, and I love drawing dynamic action panels
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As (presumably) single-submission swords go, I'm pleasantly surprised to see how well Thunder Edge did! Considering it was competing not just with the swords it was up against in the tournament, but for Okami fans, probably also the other glaives in the games (in a "is this the best representation, or should one like Tsukuyomi/Tsumugari have been our rep since they're more story-relevant" sense), it put up one hell of a fight - I'm especially impressed with how well it held up against the Buster Sword, considering I feel like that's one of The signature Final Fantasy swords and just objectively better known. Very happy to see my submission put up a good fight against a juggernaut like that!
Yeah it did really well! Also kind of helped that it had a really cool picture I think. Makes it look cool even for non fans. I know I certainly liked it a lot even though I haven't play Okami
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swiftwyvern-zarui · 1 year
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A slighter older reference of a weirdo dragon who likes to collect shinies. Their most favorite shiny is they sword which they wield like Amaterasu wields glaives in Okami. They look like a drake but are actually a cross between a lindwyrm and a hydra that just cancelled out into some elongated possum lookin' mf. I wanna post art on here more but keep feeling overwhelmed. I usually only post art on my Inkblot account, but wanna branch out a wee bit.
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shootingxstardust · 1 year
Okami Amaterasu
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Origin of all that is good and mother to us all.
Name :Amaterasu, other aliases include Ammy, furball, Snowball, and Snowy. In her past life she was called Shiranui
Skills: Ink Bullets, Sunrise: (The power to summon the sun), Power Slash: (The Power to cut through objects like hard rock with the swipe of her Celestial Brush tail), Cherry Bomb: (The ability to summon large bombs), Green Sprout Bloom: (The ability to make withered trees and planted areas bloom again. She can also sprout trees from the ground) Green Sprout Water Lilly: (The Ability to summon large Lilly pads to travel across the water) Green Sprout Vine: (The ability to summon vines to pull herself to higher places.) Water Sprout: (The ability to control the flow of water and create large fountains.) Deluge: (The ability to call upon rain)  Gale Storm (The ability to summon gusts of wind, including winds sharp enough to slice foes), Inferno: (The ability to control flames), Crescent: (The ability to call upon the moon, changing day to night) Veil of Mist: (The ability to slow down time) Cat Walk: (The ability to walk on walls), Thunderstorm: (The Ability to control the flow of electricity and summon bolts of lightening) Blizzard: (The ability to freeze foes , and summon large icicles.)
Divine instruments: Holy Reflector: (Divine Retribution, Snarling Beast, Infinity Judge, Trinity Mirror, Solar Flare) Rosary Beads:( Devout Beads, Life Beads, Exorcism Beads, Resurrection Beads, Tundra Beads.) Glaive: (Tsumugari, Seven Strike, Blade of Kusanagi, Eighth Wonder, Thunder Edge.)
After a vicious, and long battle with Orochi( an evil eight -headed serpent), alongside the warrior Nagi, Amaterasu fell to an almost dead slumber until she was revived a hundred years later. Traveling with her bouncing friend Issun, Amaterasu seeks to rid the land of Nippon of evil and the monsters who wish to plunge the world into a massive cursed zone. Using her powers she must  purify the lands to allow nature to flourish once more.
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crushedparagon · 1 year
Been playing Okami again and I remember hating Glaives on my first playthrough, but trying them again they might be my favorite weapon type
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flushyfish · 7 years
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I like to appear once every two weeks to then disappear back into the nether
The Tsumugari project is coming along though! Still little kinks to iron out in my sculpt, then going to sculpt onto the sword.
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goldensunset · 2 years
Kingdom hearts.
(if I must say one thing it is. . .solar. flare. Keyblade)
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oh this is BIG brain. solar flare is one of the most beautiful weapons in the game a keyblade designed after it would be absolute fire (pun fully intended)
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beauzos · 3 years
the particularly beneficial thing abt the Devil Gate Trials (aside from completing the string of beads) is that it’s such a good way to farm Demon Fangs. i went into the North Ryoshima trial with 0 fangs because i bought the Water Tablet and i just checked and realized i came out with 220 demon fangs. absolutely unreal
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bubblebaath · 7 years
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glaive: inferno glaive(?)
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